Heller Industrial Parks, Inc.

The Heller difference extends beyond a signature.

We call it good old-fashioned customer service. Because we own the building, we care about its maintenance. Our customer service people are on the job 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our maintenance vehicles are fully equipped, making every one of our technicians self-contained and efficient. We also practice the best kind of maintenance—preventative. Before we deliver any building, we check the HVAC, roof, lights and electrical systems, sprinkler system, and loading docks. We perform hundreds of other routine maintenance checks to ensure that your building functions the way you need it to for many years to come.

Whether it's providing routine maintenance or alterations to suit new customers, Heller's customer service team ensures your building will continue to function the way you need it to.

We're proud of Our Customer Service Team, available "24/7" to serve our customers' needs.

"You build buildings for the long haul; relationships for even longer."

Ike Heller